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Terms of use for the Overseas Social Security website

The purpose of the following provisions is to describe the terms under which the National Social Security Office grants you access to its website.

The National Social Security Office gives you access to its site (www.overseassocialsecurity.be) and the information it contains for as long as you accept without reservation the ‘terms of use’ described on this web page. Through the act of consulting the website www.overseassocialsecurity.be and the information it contains, you agree to its terms of use.


The information on this site is deemed to be correct at the time it is published. It may however become inaccurate or outdated over time. No guarantee is given as to the quality, accuracy or completeness of any information on this website. The site content (links included) may be adapted, changed or completed at any time without any notice or notification.

The National Social Security Office does not accept any liability whatsoever for any damage that may result from any use of the information on this website. This includes, without limitation, all losses, work interruptions or damage to computer programmes or other computer stored data, to hardware, software or any other belonging to the user. As a user you need to take precautions to ensure that whatever you use for your visit to the website, this is free of anything (e.g. viruses, bugs, Trojan horses,...) that could destroy or damage your data or equipment.

Any use you make of the information on this website is therefore entirely at your own risk.

Links and references

This website contains hyperlinks to other websites and references to other sources of information. These links and sources of information are made available to you for informative purposes only. The National Social Security Office does not check these websites nor the information they contain. Therefore it cannot offer any guarantee as to the quality and/or completeness of this information.

The National Social Security Office accepts no liability whatsoever for any damage that may arise from consulting information on other websites or from consulting other information sources in general to which the site refers.

Intellectual property rights

You have the right to download and reproduce the information on this website for your personal use, in accordance with the provisions of the Act of 30 June 1994 on copyright and related rights.

The National Social Security Office retains all intellectual property rights to the website itself as well as to the information made available on the website.


This online agreement and all disputes and claims arising from this website or any information contained in it are subject to Belgian law.

Consultation of this website implies that you submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of Belgium, and that you accept to bring all proceedings before those courts alone.

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