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In a video, one of our international relations experts shows how important social security is for employees of companies that expand abroad. Our expert participated in the two-day ‘Flanders International Business Summit’. Please read his report. In addition, a centenary expat shares his experiences of more than 50 years of working and living abroad. Our Q&A will help you understand how to receive your pension abroad and in good time, and the procedure you are required to follow depending on whether you have worked outside the European Economic Area (EEA), in the EEA, in Belgium or in a combination of both.
Check your future pension via My eBox.
This newsletter is all about adventure and safety. Adventure for Gert, who has built a guesthouse in the jungles of Borneo. Adventure also for all the seafarers who brave the worst weather conditions on the world's oceans for seven months. And don't you sometimes have to pass a school exam before an adventure? In any case, adventure is unthinkable without safety: the OSS for Gert, the social security system, guidelines and cutting-edge technology for seafarers and our advice on how to combat exam stress for students and their parents. In this newsletter, the OSS also provides an opportunity for a statistical analysis of expat profiles: by language, gender, age, nationality, etc.
Is working in customer service at Overseas Social Security a seasonal job? Didier Nys answers from his garden. How do you send documents to the OSS by post from abroad? Check out our advice. Learn more about the advantages of your eBox. And finally, join world citizens Gilles and Martine on their search for happiness.
You've heard of flexi-jobs, but are wondering whether you can participate in this system as an expat? You’d like to top up your pension with the 'lump sum contribution'? We'll explain everything in our newsletter. We are closing the year 2023 with an interview that we conducted with an expatriate who returned to Belgium after 30 years abroad. You can also read the experience report of our communications manager at NSSO.
This newsletter deals with some changes that are relevant to you. As of 1 November, an indexation of 2% will be implemented. What does this mean for you? At the end of November, all members who have paid one or more months' contributions in 2022 will receive an estimate of their future pension. And speaking of changes: Remember, if you haven't already done so, to activate your digital keys and My eBox to get the best digital service from the public services. Enjoy reading!
Many challenges are waiting abroad: Detecting landmines with Apopo rats, the arrival of a newborn or the mental health of expats. Overseas Social Security will always support you, even if you win the jackpot. Please tell us about your adventures as an expat! And check out this newsletter for information events on ‘The best social protection abroad’. Enjoy reading!
Making and selling chocolate in South Africa, working to promote sustainable agricultural practices worldwide, being a woman and pursuing a career as a seafarer- all' these far-flung professional horizons open up with the guarantee of reliable social security: The NSSO is never far away. That also applies during holidays and anywhere in the world. Our newsletter tells you about a variety of extraordinary experiences and about informational events, offered to your employees and members.
What are the similarities and differences between the NSSO and the Overseas Social Security? Is the Overseas Social Security expensive, as is often said? Or is it quite comparable to the NSSO? Would you like to recap for which countries you can join the Overseas Social Security and in which countries you are covered by its insurance? We explain it all. So you can reside abroad with peace of mind along with many other expats. Read more about these topics in our newsletter.
Are you or your employees moving far away for work? Watch our new campaign video to find out which piece of home you should definitely not leave behind. Do your members or workers have questions about social protection abroad? We would be happy to organise a free webinar with you. Also in the December newsletter: Katrien and Nick tell us how they fulfilled their dream of living close to nature...
Have you paid contributions to the Overseas Social Security in 2021? Then you will receive a digital estimate of your pension benefits at the end of the month. Read in our newsletter why the OSS sends you important documents via My eBox – and what advantages this digital letterbox offers you. Last but not least: find out which contributions and benefits were adjusted for inflation in November.
This newsletter doesn't just bring the story of Johnny Browaeys, who worked as an expat in China for a long time, but also learns what factors are in play when considering life as an expat. You will also discover how the Frontline and Customer contact teams can assist you and you learn all about submitting your medical expenses safely and easily.
What are your options as an employer if you want to offer optimal protection to your overseas employees? Can you enjoy Belgian social security if you live and work abroad? How do you arm yourself against cybercriminals who increasingly pass themselves off as government agencies? Find the answers to these questions in our newsletter.
Are you planning to work outside of Europe? Then you might be in for our webinar (in French) on social protection for expats. Even while abroad, you can have easy access to the online government and manage your administration online. On mycareer.be you find an overview of your career as an expat. Read more in our newsletter.
Did you make contributions to the Overseas Social Security over the past years? Then the Belgian government will provide an estimate of your pension rights at the age of 65 through My eBox. Read more in our newsletter.
In the midst of the corona pandemic, the Overseas Social Security changed its communication course. We keep our finger on the pulse of our affiliated expats and employers, by organising customized webinars, interviewing inspirational expats and by closely monitoring the latest developments of Brexit and the corona vaccination campaign. Want to know more? Check our newsletter.
May we present our first newsletter! The Overseas Social Security is taking a new course with its transversal and digital services. But what does that actually involve? Read all about it in our newsletter.
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