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Updated 1 May 2024

General scheme

(old age and death insurance sickness and disability insurance)

Act of 17 July 1963 Contribution Amount in euro according to index 1 May 2024
Article 17
Those insured from any nationality participating in the old age and death insurance the deferred insurance for Medical care and the sickness and disability insurance (contributions)
MINIMUM 395.71
MAXIMUM 2,406.31
Article 18a
Those insured who are not a national of an EEA member state and are only participating to the old age and death insurance and to the solidarity and compensation Fund (Fonds de solidarité et de péréquation)
MINIMUM 356.24
MAXIMUM 2,165.58
Article 18b
Those insured who are not a national of an EEA member state and are only participating to the old age and death insurance
MINIMUM 316.63
MAXIMUM 1,925.02

Supplementary insurances

(article 57 of the Act of 17 July 1963)

Supplementary insurances can only be subscribed to after participation in the general scheme.

Medical care


Formula Rate of the monthly contributions (in euro)
AC 178.93
BC 333.31


Formula Rate of the monthly contributions (in euro)
AC 178.93

Work accidents

Remark: the risk category is determined by the OSS.

  Rate of the monthly contributions as per risk category (in euro)
Compensation formula 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
D 32.9 37.23 43.3 49.25 65.7 74.88 89.64 112.08 122.48 134.62 224.15
E 36.44 41.5 48.06 54.73 72.92 83.01 99.52 124.47 135.9 149.34 248.96
F 40.95 46.56 54.06 61.54 81.84 93.09 111.72 139.77 152.57 167.58 279.19
G 45.18 51.24 59.58 67.85 90.33 102.71 122.98 153.82 168.14 184.7 307.7
H 49.59 56.37 65.42 74.38 99.36 112.77 135.36 169.18 184.92 203.12 338.43
I 54.14 61.63 71.27 81.18 108.3 122.98 147.57 184.7 201.92 221.67 369.24
X 66.12 75.3 87.27 99.36 132.42 150.23 180.53 225.71 246.8 270.7 451.25

Accidents in private life

You can only subscribe to the Accidents in private life insurance after subscribing to the workplace accidents insurance.

Compensation formula Contribution (in euro)
D 40.23
E 44.85
F 50.2
G 55.5
H 60.91
I 66.54
X 81.18