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How to affiliate collectively?
Are you an employer in need of a collective contract with the Overseas Social Security for your employees? You can make the request easily online. Once you own a collective contract, it’s easy to add new employees.
Applying for the collective basic package
All it requires for the application of the collective basic package of the Overseas Social Security for your employees, is the completion of the online form.
Continue to the form Affiliation - Company(New window)
Adding one or more supplementary insurances
Do you want to add an supplementary insurance for Medical Care or Workplace accidents and Accidents in private life? You can indicate this immediately on the online form for the collective basic package. If you already own the basic package, you can add the supplementary insurance afterwards through the same online form.
Please note: you cannot apply for the insurance “Accidents in private life” without the “Workplace accidents” insurance.
Adding new employees
You can add an employee to your collective contract at any time. Please complete the online form.
Continue to the form Affiliation – Add employee(s) to a company contract(New window)
Delete an employee
Do you want to delete an employee from the collective contract? Please complete the online form.
Continue to the form Affiliation – Delete or transfer employee(s)(New window)
For other personnel movements, you can contact us directly. Our contact details are at the page ‘Contact us’ of this website.
About the supplementary Medical Care contract
Do you have an supplementary Medical Care contract? You or your employees can add dependents themselves. More information about this can be found on the page Adding dependents to your Medical care contract.