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"You have to take risks. We will only understand the miracle of life fully when we allow the unexpected to happen.”– Paulo Coelho

Olivier Carlens

Life is full of surprises. Sometimes you find yourself going in a different direction without this having been your initial ambition. Oliver Carlens is just the right person to talk about it. After nine years with Cockerill in Belgium, he was offered the opportunity to take over a subsidiary of the group in Saudi Arabia. "I never intended to move abroad until I was offered this opportunity. Seizing it would have meant seeing my life change completely. I didn't know where this adventure would take me, but then I was reassured by the fact that I could count on Overseas Social Security (OSS). At least I wouldn't have to worry about my social security and pension rights. "Olivier was supposed to move to Riyadh, the Saudi capital, in February 2020, but the corona virus decided otherwise. It was not until October 2020 that he finally arrived in Saudi Arabia with his partner.

Back to basics

During his first few years in the Middle East, Olivier was covered by the overseas social security system through a collective contract. He could therefore benefit from a basic coverage with the NSSO. His employer also took out health insurance for him with a private Saudi company, which is compulsory in Saudi Arabia.

In addition to my private Saudi insurance, I'm also covered by the NSSO supplementary insurance

A few months ago, however, Olivier signed a local contract; now he has to take the necessary steps himself to obtain social security coverage. "That’s what led me to contact the NSSO again. I'm particularly interested in the pension plan. ”And with good reason, since the years during which Olivier worked abroad will be counted, on the one hand, for a pension granted by the overseas social security system and, on the other, for calculating his career in Belgian statutory pension. "In addition to my private Saudi insurance, I'm also covered by the OSS supplementary insurance. ”Olivier continues to be protected against accidents at work and accidents in private life. What's more, thanks to the healthcare insurance, he benefits from the reimbursement of his medical expenses all over the world.

An interesting blend of cultures

Riyadh is known for its large expat population and its strong multiculturalism. Some 40% of its total population is made up of expatriates. "Saudi Arabia is different from how most Europeans imagine it. ”Olivier insists that Saudi society is a welcoming and evolving society. Women now have the right to work and drive, for example. "There are of course cultural differences, but these are not insurmountable if you keep an open mind. ”

Olivier and his partner live in a neighbourhood which is mainly populated by expats of all nationalities. All these expats form a diverse community, primarily characterised by its healthy lifestyle. Within this community, leisure time is usually devoted to sports. "My partner is a member of a gymnastics club, attends a sewing workshop and often goes for walks. ”Besides work and sport, these expats also enjoy discovering best restaurants in large cities such as Riyadh, Jeddah and Dammam.

Belgium: so far, yet so close...

4,600 kilometres may well separate Belgium from Saudi Arabia, but Olivier continues to maintain a strong bond with our country. On the one hand, because the presence of French-speaking colleagues around him means that Olivier feels at home in Riyadh and, on the other hand, because he is still in daily contact with the company's head office in Belgium, thanks to the many meetings organised via Teams. "This way, I can stay in touch with my employer and my family. ”

What about tomorrow?

Olivier and his partner are already thinking about the future. Although they plan to stay in Saudi Arabia for a few more years, they are nonetheless globetrotters at heart, like all expatriates. "At the end of my career, we'll be moving back to Belgium, but with the aim of continuing to explore the world. ”

"You’ve got the opportunity to work abroad? Go for it! ”

Expats are broad-minded people with a great ability to adapt. Olivier is the proof. He was presented with an unexpected opportunity, and he didn't hesitate to pack his bags and head off to build a new life far from his Belgian roots. "We had a lot of ties in Belgium, but sometimes you simply have to take a leap into the unknown and depart from the path you were hoping to follow. But that won't make your life any less interesting. ”Especially with the NSSO at your side, we'd be tempted to add!

Would you like to share your travel experiences?

Are you an expat or do you know someone with an inspiring experience abroad? Please don't hesitate to contact us at overseas-expat@onssrszlss.fgov.be. And who knows, you might inspire future expats with your story.

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