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Our partners are at your service They support you during your experience abroad
Living in another country is an experience that changes your life forever. Everything is new: the culture, the traditions and the way of life. It's a quest for adventure for many. This new life also implies leaving your comfort zone, facing unknown challenges and confrontation with unfamiliar administrative and organisational problems. Fortunately, two strong partners stand by your side as a Belgian abroad: Vlamingen in de Wereld (Flemings in the World, VIW) and Union Francophone des Belges à l'Etranger (Association for French-speaking Belgians abroad UFBE).
Learn more about Flemings in the World (VIW)
VIW is a non-profit organisation active for more than 60 years.
Why is VIW unique?
VIW-Flemings in the world is the perfect starting point for your plans abroad. The organisation is ready to help anyone moving to (or returning from) a foreign country temporarily or permanently, whether for study, an internship, work, retirement, love or any other reason.
Get personalised advice from a dedicated team in Brussels and its worldwide network of local representatives. Find inspiration from the stories of Flemings who have travelled before you. You can find them in their magazine, website, newsletter, podcast and social media.
Do you have questions about healthcare, work, taxes, pensions, domicile, right of residence, education, etc.?
Thanks to its expertise, VIW is a valued partner of the OSS and can answer your questions in many areas outside the immediate scope of social security.
Where can you turn to with your questions?
Visit the VIW(New window) website or send an e-mail to info@viw.be.
Learn more about the Association for French-speaking Belgians abroad (UFBE)
The UFBE (Association for French-speaking Belgians abroad) has been operating for half a century and focuses on French-speaking Belgian (future) expats. Their goal: to simplify the administrative and practical challenges of living abroad as much as possible.
What makes the UFBE so special?
The UFBE provides all the support you need: whether you’re looking for advice on international employment, want to organise your social security abroad or need information on internships or scholarships for your children. UFBE will help you from A to Z so that you can focus entirely on the new adventures of living abroad.
The UFBE is an indispensable partner of the OSS thanks to its expertise and can offer advice in many areas outside the immediate scope of social security.
Where can you turn to with your questions?
Visit the UFBE(New window) website, send an e-mail to info@ubfe.be or call us at +32 475 50 18 14 or +32 475 50 18 22.
Two partners sharing the same goal: support for your adventure abroad
Help in Dutch or French, VIW and UFBE support you at every step: before, during and after your adventure abroad. They will also ensure that you continue to feel connected to Belgium. These partners at your side will make your adventure a complete success!
Would you like to share your travel experiences?
Are you an expat or do you know someone with an inspiring experience abroad? Please don't hesitate to contact us at overseas-expat@onssrszlss.fgov.be. And who knows, you might inspire future expats with your story.