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In Belgium, a rainy spring is coming to an end, and so is the school year. For many, that means only one thing: exams. For many, it is a time characterised by exams. As a mum of two, I know the stress that electrifies the atmosphere. Many parents around the world are familiar with this phenomenon. The stress builds up more and more as the days go by. It is difficult to deal with and we parents have an important role to play.

We must provide a tranquil environment and emotional support and stay calm and positive ourselves. I am happy to share some tips that have helped me and my children get through this challenging period in the past.

Tips for students Tips for parents
Make a schedule

The first step is often the hardest: confronting the sheer amount of work. But an overview really helps. With a schedule, you create a foothold for moving forward, step by step.

Show interest

Ask your children regularly how it went and how they feel. Show that you are concerned, without applying too much pressure.

Take breaks

No one can concentrate for hours at a time. It’s important to take regular breaks to maintain your concentration. Ventilate your room during breaks so you can start again with a clear head.

Stay calm

Don't panic - that won't help anyone. Your calm composure can have a positive influence on your children.


Physical activity helps to process the information, clear your head and reduce stress. Even just a short walk or some stretches will do wonders.

Give your child compliments

Praise them for their commitment and perseverance. This will keep them going and make them feel supported.

Talk about it

Sharing your worries can ease the burden. Talk to your parents, friends or teachers about how you feel.

Pamper your children

Make their favourite food, take them a dessert or a four-o’clock snack, provide fruit or healthy food. A healthy mind resides in a healthy body.

As an expert at Overseas Social Security, I hope that school-age children can pursue their dreams whether they are in Belgium or abroad. Just as parents are always there to support their children, we are also there for our expats.

To all students everywhere: Good luck with the exams!

Would you like to share your travel experiences?

Are you an expat or do you know someone with an inspiring experience abroad? Please don't hesitate to contact us at overseas-expat@onssrszlss.fgov.be. And who knows, you might inspire future expats with your story.

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