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How can you use the online services as Belgian abroad?

Today more than ever, we are living in a digital society. The worldwide coronavirus crisis has forced us to communicate even more remotely. ‘The new normal’ has been introduced and the Overseas Social Security has wished from the get-go to be a part of it.

Since last year the digital services of the Overseas Social Security have rapidly picked up speed. Through the introduction of online forms and the use of My eBox(New window) (in French), we anticipate the need for fast, secure and accessible services.

But how can you benefit from this administrative simplification as an expat?

You can do this by logging in with one of the following digital keys:

  1. Your electronic identity card (eID),
  2. The itsme app,
  3. The Electronic Identification And Trust Services (eIDAS).

Logging in with your eID

Every Belgian older than 12 is obliged to apply for a Belgian identity card.

This is also the case for Belgian citizens with a main residence abroad and with an inclusion in the population register of a Belgian embassy or a career consulate .


A career consulate is an embassy, a consulate-general or a consulate, staffed with civil servants sent in from Belgium. They provide comprehensive consular services for Belgians abroad. A career consulate differs from:

  • The diplomatic representation of Belgium to the UN, NATO, the EU,…. These offer no consular services;
  • Honorary consuls, which are no civil servants. They usually live abroad having a specific professional activity in the private sector. They work under the supervision of a career consulate. They only have limited options in assisting Belgians in difficulties, especially in areas located far away from career consulates.
Every Belgian registered through a Belgian municipality or in the consular population registers of a Belgian embassy or consulate can apply for and activate his eID.

More information about the application and activation process is available through the website of the Federal Public Service (FPS) Foreign Affairs(New window).

No eID? Use the itsme app

If you are not in possession of an eID or if your eID no longer valid, you can access your online government documents securely by using itsme. You can activate this app by using a bank card of one of the following banks: KBC, Belfius, BNP Paribas Fortis, and ING. If you are using itsme for the first time, you must activate your profile with a card reader or by using your banking app.

More information is available on the itsme website(New window).

Logging in with eIDAS

This digital key enables digital transactions between participating European countries and yourself as an expat. You can activate your eIDAS by filling out the following data: your Belgian national identification number (national registration number or Bis number), e-mail address and phone number. This data will be linked to your digital key so that you will be able to use the authorities online services in an easy and secure way.

Digital keys offer…

  • A secure access to all your government documents, anytime, anywhere,
  • An administrative simplification,
    (You can keep the Overseas Social Security informed in a digital way about possible address changes.)
  • No additional work when activating your My eBox account.
    (In case of an address change, you do not need to do anything. Your My eBox account is linked to your national register number and not to your address.)

More information?

You will find more information about the different digital keys on the CSAM website(New window).

Even more information is available on the FPS Foreign Affairs website(New window), regarding the application for and activation of your eID. Furthermore, you can settle through these forms(New window) your registration with a career consulate.

Would you like to share your travel experiences?

Are you an expat or do you know someone with an inspiring experience abroad? Please don't hesitate to contact us at overseas-expat@onssrszlss.fgov.be. And who knows, you might inspire future expats with your story.

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