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Lieve Van Elsen has been working as an ambassador for BOS+ in Ecuador for almost a year now. Her impressive career in the environmental sector testifies to her passion for protecting fragile ecosystems. Together with her husband and three children, she lives at 3,000 meters altitude, near the Andes, where she fully embraces life surrounded by nature and local communities. Thanks to Overseas Social Security (OSS), Lieve and her family can rely on a trusted safety net: an additional support for their adventure in Ecuador.

In the beginning, BOS+ was committed to the conservation and expansion of forests in Flanders. Over the past fifty years, this mission has grown into a global commitment to sustainable forest management. 'BOS+ also contributes to the resilience of ecosystems in partnership with local communities. We help indigenous populations protect their territories, making it easier to detect and report illegal activities to the authorities.’

Lieve has the expat DNA!

'I was studying to be a bio-engineer when I first got the itch to work abroad. And that dream became reality with an internship in Guatemala. Then I got the opportunity to write my thesis in Ecuador.' The country where she will be working after her Master's Degree in Irrigation Engineering in Leuven. 'It was difficult to find a job in the beginning because a number of organisations required experience. Eventually, I found my way onto a junior programme at the ‘Netherlands Development Organisation SNV’. ' This experience heralded the beginning of a life lived on the equator. 'I then worked for a Belgian NGO that, jointly with other organisations in Ecuador, in Peru and in the Andean region, contributed to projects that benefited nature and local population.'

Several years and adventures later and meanwhile country representative at BOS+, she says: 'The projects are really fulfilling. It is wonderful to see how our work does not only contributes to the conservation of forests and biodiversity, but also makes a difference to local population who depend on natural resources.'

Fight against deforestation

BOS+ has lots of projects in the Amazon forest. 'The presence of external threats is undeniable. Companies keep cutting down the forest and polluting the environment.' Lieve helps local communities fight illegal activities in order to protect nature and forests. She therefore works with local partners (including the government). 'The most important pillars for the conservation of the forests are reforestation and the enrichment of the food forests that produce native fruits. We can achieve a lot if we take into account the needs and culture of local communities in a sustainable way.'


Home away from home

With 24 years of experience abroad, Lieve feels at home in the Andes. 'Our children are growing up with a rich cultural mix of both Belgian and Ecuadorian customs.' Every year she returns to her native country to strengthen her children's connection with their Belgian roots. And with waffles. But I wouldn't go back to Belgium for that. My life in Ecuador fulfils me completely. Ecuador is a beautiful country and here I find the peace I need.’

The same social protection as in Belgium

Lieve has been affiliated with OSS for 14 years through Pegasus, a non-profit organisation that supports NGOs in the areas of personnel, insurance and legal advice. 'Fortunately, I haven't had to make much use of my medical coverage with the OSS. But it is still important to me to retain my affiliation with Belgian Social Security.'

An inspiring report for future generations

Lieve has a clear message for people who love South America and dream of living there: 'Don't be intimidated by the negative media coverage. South America offers great opportunities and pleasant living conditions. You won't experience most of the problems you hear about. Follow your dream, because everyone deserves the chance to pursue their passions.'

Lieve contributes to a more sustainable world every day. Her work at BOS+ and her life in Ecuador are proof of the positive impact that one person can have on both nature and the community.

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Are you an expat or do you know someone with an inspiring experience abroad? Please don't hesitate to contact us at overseas-expat@onssrszlss.fgov.be. And who knows, you might inspire future expats with your story.

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