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Every year a large number of Belgians leave to work abroad. According to recent figures from the FPS Foreign Affairs, as many as 492,147 (registered) Belgians live abroad. Just over 20% of them live outside of Europe. All the more reason to communicate intensively with them.

The Overseas Social Security has been actively promoting its offerings through various communication channels since 2021. 'In this way we hope not only to increase our brand awareness, but also the likelihood that people will choose us when working outside Europe,' says Bert Strobbe, adviser general of the Overseas Social Security. In addition, the Overseas Social Security is elaborating its communication strategy by focusing on sustainable partnerships. 'By collaborating with ‘Vlamingen in de Wereld (VIW)’ (Flemish people in the world) and ‘Union francophone des Belges à l'Etranger (UFBE)’ (French speaking union of Belgians abroad) for example, we are expanding our network within the expat world and have a foot in the door when potential expats need information on social protection abroad.'

The Overseas Social Security recently launched a video that gives an insight into its core business in less than two minutes. 'We’ll spread this message through social media and through our partners' channels. It’s also a standard part of our sales presentations.' Because - as the well-known saying goes - a 'video' says more than a thousand words.

Curious about the result (Video in french) ?

Every year a lot of Belgians leave to work abroad.

“Yep, I've also decided to work abroad. Do you think I'll miss out on a lot of things? I'm sure I will!

But do you know what I can fortunately take with me?

Our world-renowned social security.

When taking it with you to your new workplace, it's called 'Overseas Social Security'.

Here's how it works: will you be working outside the European Economic Area, Switzerland or the UK, then you are insured in the event of illness or accident.

Like in Belgium, your medical expenses are covered and you build up your pension.

And whether you are self-employed, employee, worker or white-collar, joining is always a good idea. Even if you go for a short period, have not yet left or are thinking about coming back.

It is also good to know that while abroad, you are never alone, as you can count on Frontline. That's a helpdesk with multilingual experts who will personally help you with any questions about your membership.

Overseas Social Security is really something I can hold on to when I am abroad.

And what’s best of it all? When I return, I simply revert to the Belgian social security again. As if I've never left.

Are you also going far away for work ?

Or do you have employees who are working abroad ?

Then join Overseas Social Security just like me.

More information on overseassocialsecurity.be or our social media channels.

Would you like to share your travel experiences?

Are you an expat or do you know someone with an inspiring experience abroad? Please don't hesitate to contact us at overseas-expat@onssrszlss.fgov.be. And who knows, you might inspire future expats with your story.

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