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Apply for your pension: where, how?
You are part of the Overseas Social Security pension scheme. It’s now time to apply for a pension or simply to take an interest in it. However, the procedures to apply for a pension differ depending on whether you have worked outside the European Economic Area (EEA), in the EEA or in Belgium, with a career perhaps split between two or even three of these entities. Let's take a look at the steps you need to take in each case.
You have only worked outside Belgium and the EEA
Contact us by telephone (+32 2 509 90 99), e-mail (overseas@onss.fgov.be) or via the online form to submit your pension claim for years worked outside the European Economic Area(New window), during which you paid contributions to Overseas Social Security.
If you have paid pension contributions in the country where you worked, contact the local pension authority.
You have worked in Belgium and the EEA
There are two situations.
You currently live in Belgium
Please contact the Federal Pensions Service (SFP) (in French)(New window) to find out whether periods of work in the EEA will be taken into account when calculating your Belgian pension.
You currently live in an EEA member country (other than Belgium)
You can claim your pension in the country where you live or in the country where you last worked.
You have only worked in Belgium
For your Belgian career, the only body responsible for statutory pensions is the Federal Pensions Service (SFP) (in French)(New window). For more information, please call 1765 (freephone within Belgium) or +32 78 15 1765 from abroad (at your operator's rate)
You have worked in Belgium, in the EEA and/or outside the EEA (and contributed to Overseas Social Security)
For each of these entities there is a specific reference organisation to contact (see explanations above). Complete the exercise, depending on your situation, to get a full picture of the procedures and terms and conditions to be observed in relation to your pension.
Please also note that the pension granted by the SSOM remains independent of any Belgian or other statutory or extra-statutory pension.

Overseas Social Security
+32 2 509 90 99
Federal Pension Office (SFP)
www.sfpd.fgov.be(New window)
Call free number 1765 from Belgium or +32 78 15 1765 from abroad (operator's tariff).
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